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How Do I Reduce Water Retention?

Do you know a big hindrance on your journey to lose weight? Apart from sedentary lifestyle and high carb intake, water retention is a big factor which prevents weighing scales from tipping in your favour. If you have tried every trick in the book to lose weight, here are some great ways to do that. Water retention occurs when excess fluid builds up inside the body. This is also known as water retention or edema. Water retention occurs in the circulatory system or within cavities and tissues. Most common symptoms include swelling of hands, feet, ankles, and legs. There are various reasons why it occurs and mostly it’s nothing serious. Some women experience water retention during pregnancy or before their monthly mensuration.  Water retention is most common in people who are physically inactive (basically lazy chicks) or those who spend sitting through for long hours in flights/office etc. However, in some people water retention can be a symptom of a severe medical condition like kidney disease or heart failure. If you experience sudden or severe water retention, seek medical help immediately. But if the swelling is mild and there is no underlying health condition, you may be able to reduce water retention with a few simple tips! We have listed 8 ways to reduce water retention:

Reduce Water Retention

1. Limit your salt intake: Love salty food? This might punch your heart! Salt is made of chloride and sodium. Sodium has a job, it binds the water in the body and helps maintain the balance of fluids both inside and outside of cells. If you eat meals that are high in salt, such as processed foods, your body will retain more water. In fact, processed, packaged, and canned foods are the biggest source of sodium. The most common advice for reducing water retention is to reduce sodium intake.

2. Add Potassium-Rich Foods in your diet: Potassium is a mineral that aids in several important functions. It aids in healthy functioning of heart. Potassium helps to reduce water retention in two simple ways, by reducing sodium levels and increasing urine production. Say hello to frequent visits! Potassium rich foods includes Bananas, tomatoes, avocados.

3. Drink Green Tea: Green tea is a natural diuretic, it is an ideal treatment for combating fluid retention problems. Results show that drinking green tea regularly can reduce body fat by up to 19 percent. Bonus- green tea’s caffeine level aids in weight loss. You can drink my green tea twice a day, consuming more than that is not advised.

4. Stay Away from Refined Carbs: Eating refined carbs can rapidly spike the blood sugar and insulin levels. High insulin levels cause the body to retain more sodium by increasing the reabsorption of sodium in the kidneys, which leads to more fluid volume inside the body. Perfect example of refined carbs are processed sugars and grains, such as table sugar and white flour. Pizza, donuts, burgers, cakes, chocolate filled cookies – basically everything you love!

5. Ginger tea: Ginger has natural diuretic properties and can reduce fluid retention and help with weight loss. Enjoy ginger tea with a slice of lemon and a face mask! Aren’t they the perfect combo? You’re welcome!

6. Move around: Try walking, jogging or even running! Moving around can be effective in reducing those extra fluids in areas like lower limbs. Elevate your feet because it may also help in reducing water.

7. Eat Fennel Seeds: Now you know why fennel seeds are served after meals in Indian restaurants? They have diuretic effects. Eat fennel seeds after meals or boil a few seeds in water to make fennel tea!

8. Drink Plenty of Water: Doctors recommend to drink more water; it may sound strange but increasing water intake can paradoxically reduce water retention. H20 is the solution for every problem!

However, if water retention still persists or cause problem, then it’s best to see a doctor. Till then, stay fit and savy!

The post How Do I Reduce Water Retention? appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.

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