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The Jelly Pedicure at K West Hotel

I wasn't a girlie girl growing up. In fact I was pretty much the opposite of me now. I wore tracksuit pants and wore a baseball cap every single day. When all the girls at Brownies wore skirts, I wore trousers, and I didn't wear makeup until I went to college. So having treatments like manicures and pedicures was alien to me. Whilst I've had my share of manicures now, pedicures? Up until this Saturday I'd never had a pedicure in my life. Some might recall in horror at what the state my feet were like- and probably rightly s after years of cramming my feet into heels for 12 hours a day.

So age 25, I felt like I should finally try a pedicure. But after all this time, I might as well go for something a little different. So step forward K West hotel and your Jelly Pedicure.

The K West Hotel is a hotel and spa over in Shepherds Bush. It used to be a music studio that Bob Marley once played at and so the music theme runs throughout the hotel. Currently they've transformed the library/ chill out space into this quirky summer hideaway which also has lots of books all about music and the legends of rock and pop.

But my journey took me downstairs to there spa. The spa at K West is pretty renown even for people who never stay over, it gets a lot of bookings. Apparently they have a Narnia-esque snow room, but sadly it was being used when I came.

But I wasn't too disheartened as I was whisked off to the Nail Bar for my pedicure.

The K West hotel had grabbed my attention because they'd just started doing a very unique pedicure called a Jelly Pedicure. Not Gel like the nail varnish, but jelly, as in what you usually have with ice-cream. OK maybe not the same stuff- I wouldn't recommend trying to eat this.

Rather than a traditional soak in soapy water, Aloe Vera jelly crystals are added to the water, and yes, like when you add jelly cubes to water for dessert, the water starts to thicken in a jelly mush. 

The reason they are doing this as this pedicure is extra mositurising. It softens the skin intensely and the aloe Vera penetrate the layers of skin on your feet. So if you have hard skin like me it's better than just filing off the top layer. 

After a soak, the traditional filing happened but now the skin underneath would be super soft too.

This was repeated a few times, to make sure all the hard and dead skin was scrubbed off and that my feet were like a babies bottom soft. 

The jelly is a little strange at first, but it sort of wraps its way around your feet and gives it a nice warm hug. 

Finally it was time for a polish. What I really love was that the colour you pick, you get to take home with you for topups. 

So how was my first pedicure? Well I honestly can say my feet are so soft and smooth now. I'm feeling them as I type this and the biggest difference is the back of my heels which really was quite embarrassing at how bad it had got. But now I'd be proud to wear those summer sandals.

Check the Jelly Pedicure out at K West Hotel in Shepherds Bush.

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