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stellar magazine and the gays!

I don’t know how many of you have been reading Stellar magazine since it started. But I picked up a copy to accompany me on my lunch break after Alexa Chungs face on vogue put me off my potato wedges. I was surprised.

It hadn’t fallen into, oh look we’re Irish – trap of U magazine or the ‘meh we’ll snap anyone’ vibe of VIP. Instead it was, what the magazine world in Ireland had been crying out for. A well written, funny interesting look at fashion. And life as a fashionista living in Ireland. Also, they hadn’t made the same mistake a lot of publications make which is forgetting that not everyone can shop in Brown Thomas (U magazine, I am looking at you) and featuring clothes that everyone can afford.

(Even giving me a tip off about a new shop I hadn’t known about before – thanks!)

But, what impressed me the most, was their valentines day stuff.

It is unavoidable this time of year to see articles everywhere detailing the love lives of total strangers. To couples, this is wonderful and makes them all warm and buttery thinking about their own love lives. To us single people, it makes us want to cut off a limb or tear out our extensions. In short. It sucks.

I also picked up LOOK magazine too. If you have then you’ll know what I am referring to. The ‘Romantic, Shocking, wacky – the proposal I’ll never forget.’ Section. Where couples the UK over detailed moments of the happiest – sorry, yawn! Day of their lives blah blah blah.


Acording to LOOK, what passes for shocking proposals among the straight community is a guy who spray painted some sheep with the words, ‘ will you marry me?’ I’m sure somewhere along the line, animal rights campaigners will want a word about this. Because spray painting sheep cannot be legal. Or humane to animals. What if one of the sheep had an allergy? Or had strong political and religious views about marriage? This is it you see, loved up people have no respect for sheep.

Or the guy who used a giant eagle to deliver the ring. What if the bird ate it? What if it choked to death and dropped dead at her feet? That’s both the bird and the relationship finished right there. (not to mention trying to get the ring out for a refund)

According to LOOK magazine, all their readers are from the UK and are straight. But, Stellar included a lesbian couple. (a FIT lesbian couple) from somewhere in Ireland. Who were not just a lesbian couple (A FIT lesbian couple) but a pole dancing dance instuctor fit lesbian couple!!!!!

This is bucking the trend more then you think. After all, Your sex and the city’s and your will and grace’s have made the gay best friend accessory mandatory for every Carrie wannabe. But the lesbian accessory? Usually not.

How many (ok, ok I know skins did it) sitcoms, dramas,etc do you know of where the lesbian character is A- perminant ? B – there for more then comic relief?

We need to get more of our own out in the open!

So my point is this, Stellar could have found at least a 100 happily partnered up male couples to be featured. But they chose a female gay couple instead.

Which to me shows tolerance, understanding, acceptance and a level of maturity which LOOK magazine are sorely missing.

So stellar, hats off to you. You have my full attention. And more importantly, my 2 euro every month.

- and in a side note. got into my building to find Vogue sitting on the steps to my flat. with a note. attached. from A - 'Knew you wouldn't buy this. So thought I would get it in for you.' It takes a friend to know what you like. but a real friend to know what you hate.

Cheers A! x

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